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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Procedure in case property is situated in two or more counties
Rapid Transit (RAT) CHAPTER 48-A, ARTICLE 6
§ 57. Procedure in case property is situated in two or more counties.
If the property to be acquired or extinguished in any proceeding be
situated in two or more counties, the maps or plans and memoranda
required to be filed by section fifty-four of this chapter shall be so
filed in the respective offices therein provided in each county in which
such property or any part thereof is situated, and the application to
condemn such property may be made to the supreme court at any special
term thereof held in any judicial district in which any one of such
counties is situated. If the property to be acquired or extinguished in
any proceeding be situated in two judicial districts the application to
condemn such property may be made in either judicial district. The order
granting the application to condemn in any such proceeding shall be
entered, and the final decree therein shall be filed in the office of
the clerk of any one of the counties in which a part of the property to
be thereby acquired or extinguished is situated, as directed by the
court, and a certified copy of the order granting the application to
condemn and a certified copy of the final decree shall be filed in the
office in which instruments affecting real property are required to be
recorded in each county in which any part of the property thereby
acquired or extinguished is situated. In all other respects the
proceeding shall be conducted in the same manner as a proceeding
affecting property situated in only one county.