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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of other religious organizations to Ruthenian Greek Catholic church; disposition of property
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 5-B
§ 102. Transfer of other religious organizations to Ruthenian Greek
Catholic church; disposition of property. Any religious organization or
organizations incorporated under and by virtue of any law of this state,
whether incorporated under article five of the religious corporations
law, or otherwise, shall be and they are hereby authorized to organize
under the provisions of this act relating to incorporation of Ruthenian
Greek Catholic churches of the Greek rite, and upon the filing of a
certificate to be signed by the trustees of such existing association or
organization or a majority of them, consenting to such organization or
incorporation, under this act, all the right, title and interest of such
association or corporation in any estate, real or personal, shall, with
all franchises and charter rights, be vested in said body corporate and
politic so created under this act and the original incorporation of such
association or organization shall then be null and void.