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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Government of incorporated churches of Orthodox Church in America; powers and duties of trustees
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 5-C
§ 107. Government of incorporated churches of Orthodox Church in
America; powers and duties of trustees. 1. Every American Orthodox
church in this state, whether incorporated before or after the said
proclamation of autocephaly, and whether incorporated or reincorporated
pursuant to this article or any other article of the religious
corporations law, or any general or private law, shall recognize and be
and remain subject to the jurisdiction and authority of the general
council, metropolitan archbishop or other primate or hierarch, the
council of bishops, the executive council and other governing bodies and
authorities of the Orthodox Church in America, pursuant to the statute
for the government thereof, and any amendments thereto and any other
statutes or rules adopted by a general council of the Orthodox Church in
America and shall in all other respects conform to, maintain and follow
the faith, doctrine, ritual, communion, discipline, canon law,
traditions and usages of the Eastern Confession (Eastern Orthodox or
Greek Catholic Church); provided, however, that the provisions of this
section shall not be applicable to any church incorporated in this state
which was excluded from the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church in
America by said proclamation of autocephaly, namely, St. Nicholas
Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in North America and St. Mark
Chapel, both of the County of New York, City of New York, St. John the
Baptist Chapel, County of Bronx, City of New York, Church of St. George
the Great Martyr, County of Queens, City of New York, Church of All
Saints Glorified in the Russian Land, Village of Pine Bush, County of
Orange, House Chapel of St. Seraphim of Sarov, Village of Westtown,
County of Orange, and Church of St. George the Great Martyr, City of
Buffalo, County of Erie, unless any such church shall reincorporate
pursuant to this article and the certificate therefor shall set forth,
in addition to the other statements required to be set forth therein,
that the corporation is being reincorporated pursuant to this article
with the permission of the governing authority of the Russian Orthodox

2. The six lay members of every church incorporated pursuant to this
article signing the certificate of incorporation and the rector shall be
the trustees of such church for the first year or until their successors
are selected according to the by-laws of such church or the rules and
usages of the Orthodox Church in America.

3. The trustees of every American Orthodox church shall have the
custody and control of all temporalities and property, real and
personal, belonging to such church and of the revenues therefrom and
shall administer the same in accordance with the by-laws of such
church,, and any amendments thereto and all other rules, statutes,
regulations and usages of the Orthodox Church in America.