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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Consistory of a Reformed church in America; minister, how chosen
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 6
§ 113. Consistory of a Reformed church in America; minister, how
chosen. Any church in connection with the Reformed church in America,
the choice or election of the members of whose consistory is not subject
to the ecclesiastical rules or jurisdiction of such Reformed church in
America, shall, if the consistory so determine, be subject to such rules
and jurisdiction; and thereafter the choice of the members of the
consistory shall be in accordance with such rules and practices.

If any such church be incorporated under article ten of this chapter,
or if its trustees be elective in pursuance of such article, its board
of trustees and its consistory shall act concurrently in the choice of
its minister.