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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Organization and conduct of corporate meetings; qualifications of voters
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 8
§ 164. Organization and conduct of corporate meetings; qualifications
of voters. At every corporate meeting of a church to which this article
is applicable the following persons, and no others shall be qualified
voters, to wit: all persons who are then members in good and regular
standing of such church by admission into full communion or membership
therewith in accordance with the by-laws thereof, provided that if the
by-laws so provide, persons who have statedly worshiped with such church
and have regularly contributed to its financial support for not less
than one year preceding such meeting shall also be qualified voters.

At such corporate meetings, the presence of at least six persons
qualified to vote thereat shall be necessary to constitute a quorum; and
all matters or questions shall be decided by a majority of the qualified
voters voting thereon, except that by-laws can be adopted or amended
only by a two-thirds vote. The clerk of the corporation shall call the
meeting to order; and under his supervision the qualified voters then
present shall choose a presiding officer and two inspectors of election
to receive the ballots cast. The presiding officer and the inspectors of
election shall declare the result of the ballots cast on any matter and
shall be the judges of the qualifications of voters. At each annual
corporate meeting, successors to those trustees whose terms of office
then expire shall be elected by ballot from the qualified voters, for a
term of three years thereafter, and until their successors shall be
elected. A clerk of the corporation shall be elected by ballot, who
shall hold office until the closing of the next annual meeting, and
until his successor shall be elected.