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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Trustee meetings
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 11-A
§ 225-i. Trustee meetings. 1. Meetings of the trustees of an
incorporated free Methodist church shall be called by giving at least
forty-eight hours' notice thereof personally or by mail to all the
trustees, and such notice may be given by the pastor, the secretary of
the board of trustees or by any two of the trustees, but by the
unanimous consent of the trustees a meeting may be held without previous
notice thereof. The pastor may preside at a trustee meeting and in his
absence the senior trustee in service, or some member, the board of
trustees elects for that purpose, shall be chairman. A majority of the
whole number of trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction
of business at any meeting lawfully convened.

2. The effect of a tie vote creating a deadlock shall be to carry the
question involved (with all pending questions appertaining thereto) over
to the next sitting or meeting of the board. In case of such a deadlock
extending beyond three successive sittings or meetings of the board of
trustees, the whole matter involved shall be settled in a meeting of the
corporate society.