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Church governance
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 23
§ 475. Church governance. 1. A church incorporated under this section
shall provide in its certificate of incorporation or by-laws for
trustees to be elected or appointed at large, or by virtue of their
office. There shall be a minimum of three trustees. To the extent
practicable, terms of office shall be for three years and staggered.
Terms may be consecutive.

2. Provision shall also be made in its certificate of incorporation or
by-laws for officers of the corporation to be elected or appointed at
large or by virtue of their office. The president and secretary shall
not be the same person. To the extent practicable, terms of office shall
be for three years and staggered. Terms may be consecutive.

3. Provision shall also be made in its certificate of incorporation or
by-laws for spiritual oversight of the church by an eldership board or a
senior granthi or guru or some combination of the above. Terms of office
may be definite or indefinite as the by-laws may specify.

4. Provision shall also be made in its certificate of incorporation or
by-laws for periodic affirmation of appointive positions by a designated
body or board.