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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Application for incorporation
Religious Corporations (RCO) CHAPTER 51, ARTICLE 3-C
§ 51-a. Application for incorporation. An unincorporated congregation
of the Holy Orthodox Church in America, or a congregation acknowledging
the historic apostolic eastern confession and order in this state, may
apply to the ecclesiastical administrator of American Patriarchal Synod,
Holy Orthodox Church for permission and sanction to incorporate such
church. When such permission aforesaid has been obtained in writing over
the signature and seal of such patriarch, such church may become an
incorporated church by executing, acknowledging and filing a certificate
of incorporation as hereinafter provided.

Any religious order, biblical, seminary for the preparation of
candidates for the ministry, leading to ordination and the granting of
credentials of ecclesiastical degrees of orders in sacred theology, or
religious society established for evangelical efforts or the relief of
the poor and needy, which is intended to be an auxiliary organization of
the Holy Orthodox Church of the American Patriarchate, where a chapel
for the conduct of worship is provided, shall be deemed a congregation
to all intents and purposes, and may be incorporated in the manner
prescribed in this article as a congregation of the American Patriarchal
Orthodox Church.