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Statement of registration
Regulation of Lobbying Act 1040/81 (RLA) CHAPTER ROOT
* § 5. Statement of registration. (a) (1) Every lobbyist shall
annually file with the commission, on forms provided by the commission,
a statement of registration for each calendar year; provided, however,
that the filing of such statement of registration shall not be required
of any lobbyist who (i) in any year does not expend, incur or receive an
amount in excess of two thousand dollars of reportable compensation and
expenses, as provided in paragraph five of subdivision (b) of section
eight of this act, for the purposes of lobbying or (ii) is an officer,
director, trustee or employee of any public corporation, when acting in
such official capacity; provided however, that nothing herein shall be
construed to relieve any public corporation of the obligation to file
such statements and reports as required by this act.

(2) Such filing shall be completed on or before January first by those
persons who have been retained, employed or designated as lobbyist on or
before December fifteenth who reasonably anticipate that in the coming
year they will expend, incur or receive combined reportable compensation
and expenses in an amount in excess of two thousand dollars; for those
lobbyists retained, employed or designated after December fifteenth, and
for those lobbyists who subsequent to their retainer, employment or
designation reasonably anticipate combined reportable compensation and
expenses in excess of such amount, such filing must be completed within
fifteen days thereafter, but in no event later than ten days after the
actual incurring or receiving of such reportable compensation and

(b) Such statements of registration shall be kept on file for a period
of three years and shall be open to public inspection during such

(c) Such statement of registration shall contain:

(1) the name, address and telephone number of the lobbyist;

(2) the name, address and telephone number of the client by whom or on
whose behalf the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated;

(3) if such lobbyist is retained or employed pursuant to a written
agreement of retainer or employment, a copy of such shall also be
attached and if such retainer or employment is oral, a statement of the
substance thereof;

(4) a written authorization from the client by whom the lobbyist is
authorized to lobby, unless such lobbyist has filed a written agreement
of retainer or employment pursuant to paragraph three of this

(5) a description of the general subject or subjects on which the
lobbyist is lobbying or expects to lobby;

(6) the name of the person, organization, or legislative body before
which the lobbyist is lobbying or expects to lobby; and

(7) if the lobbyist is retained, employed or designated by more than
one client, a separate statement of registration shall be required for
each such client.

(d) Any amendment to the information filed by the lobbyist in the
original statement of registration shall be submitted to the commission
on forms supplied by the commission within ten days after such
amendment, however, this shall not require the lobbyist to amend the
entire registration form.

(e) The first statement of registration filed annually by each
lobbyist shall be accompanied by a registration fee of fifty dollars
except that no registration fee shall be required of a public
corporation. No fee shall be required for any subsequent statement of
registration filed by a lobbyist during the same lobbying year.

* NB Chapter 2 of the laws of 1999 repealed, effective January 1,
2000, the lobbying act as enacted by section 1 of chapter 1040 of the
laws of 1981. A new lobbying act was enacted as Article 1-A of the
legislative law.

Section 5 of such chapter 2 transfers all of the functions and powers
of the New York temporary state commission on lobbying created by such
chapter 1040 to the New York temporary state commission on lobbying
created by Article 1-A of the legislative law with respect to receiving
the periodic and annual reports required to be filed pursuant to
sections 8, 9 and 10 of the repealed chapter 1040. Also, pursuant to
section 7 of such chapter 2, any action or proceeding commenced prior to
January 1, 2000 under the old lobbying act shall be continued,
prosecuted and defended pursuant to the old lobbying act as in effect on
December 31, 1999.

Because of these provisions, the Commission will continue to set out
the full text of the repealed lobbying act through December 31, 2000 in
order that lobbyists who were subject to the former lobbying act may be
adequately apprised of the responsibilities and obligations imposed upon
them as continued by sections 5 and 7 of chapter 2 of the laws of 1999.