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This entry was published on 2024-07-05
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Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 19-B
* § 1982. Notice. 1. If the department proposes to institute
proceedings pursuant to this article, it may file a copy of the
certification and a notice of intention to commence such proceedings in
the office of the clerk of the county in which the commercial or
industrial real property is located. Such notice shall contain the names
of all persons required to be served pursuant to this section and shall
otherwise meet the requirements of subdivision (b) of rule sixty-five
hundred eleven of the civil practice law and rules. The notice shall be
indexed by the clerk in the manner prescribed by subdivision (c) of rule
sixty-five hundred eleven of the civil practice law and rules for a
notice of pendency of action and shall have the same effect as such
notice. It shall expire one year after filing, if no proceeding pursuant
to this article has been commenced. Except as otherwise provided herein,
all of the provisions of article sixty-five of the civil practice law
and rules shall be applicable to the notice filed pursuant to this

2. The department shall serve upon the owner of the commercial or
industrial real property, a copy of the certification. Service shall be
made personally or by posting in a conspicuous place upon the commercial
or industrial real property and mailing a copy by certified mail to the
last known owner at such owner's last known address. The copy of the
certification shall be accompanied by a notice stating that proceedings
pursuant to this article may be instituted unless the owner notifies the
department that the property has not been abandoned. Such notification
shall be made by a showing that the conditions upon which the findings
in such certification are based do not exist or have been corrected.
Such showing shall be made not later than thirty days after the date of
such notice.

3. Within five days of the service of notice on the owner, a copy of
the certification shall be served on each mortgagee, lienor and lessee
of record, personally or by certified mail or overnight courier to the
address set forth in the recorded instrument or, if no address appears
therein, to the person at whose request the instrument was recorded.
Such copy shall, in the case of a mortgagee or lienor, be accompanied by
a notice that proceedings pursuant to this article may be instituted
unless the mortgagee or lienor, within forty-five days of receipt of
such mailing, either commences proceedings to foreclose the mortgage or
lien or enters into an agreement with the department to bring the
building into compliance with the applicable provisions of law.

4. If the name or address of

(a) the last owner of record, or

(b) any owner, mortgagee, lienor, or claimant as shown on records
maintained by any city official required by any local law to maintain
records of persons entitled to notice or process in connection with the
maintenance of in rem foreclosure actions, or

(c) the person listed as the owner of the property on the latest
completed assessment roll, is different from that referred to in
subdivisions two and three of this section, a copy of the notice to the
owner, or to a mortgagee or lienor, whichever is applicable, shall also
be sent to such person at such address by certified mail or overnight

* NB Repealed June 30, 2025