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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Order of redemption; liability of persons redeeming
Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 7
§ 767. Order of redemption; liability of persons redeeming. The
person redeeming, as prescribed in this article or the owner of the
property so redeemed, may present to the court which issued the warrant
a petition setting forth the facts of the redemption and praying for an
order establishing the rights and liabilities of the parties upon the
redemption, whereupon the court must make an order requiring the other
party to the redemption to show cause at a time and place therein
specified why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. The
order to show cause must be made returnable not less than two nor more
than ten days after it is granted; and it must be served at least two
days before it is returnable. Upon the return thereof, the court must
hear the allegations and proofs of the parties and must make such a
judgment as justice requires. The costs and expenses must be paid by the
petitioner. The judgment, or a certified copy thereof, may be recorded
in like manner as a deed. A person, other than the lessee, who redeems
as prescribed in this article succeeds to all the duties and liabilities
of the lessee accruing after the redemption as if he was named as lessee
in the lease.