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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Judgment as to parties having interest in entire property
Real Property Actions & Proceedings (RPA) CHAPTER 81, ARTICLE 9
§ 941. Judgment as to parties having interest in entire property. If
a tenant by the curtesy or for life or for years of the entire property,
or a person entitled to a contingent or vested remainder or reversion in
the entire property, or a creditor, or other person, having a lien or
interest which attaches to the entire property, be made a defendant in
the action, the final judgment either may award to such a party his
entire right and interest, or the proceeds thereof, or where the right
or interest is contingent, direct that the proceeds or share thereof be
substituted for the property and invested for whoever may eventually be
entitled thereto, or may reserve and leave unaffected his right and
interest, or any portion thereof.