Duty to inform of bed bug infestation
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 7
§ 235-j. Duty to inform of bed bug infestation. 1. Upon having
knowledge of a bed bug infestation in a unit of a residential rental
premises, the landlord or lessor of a residential rental premises shall
provide written notice of such infestation to the landlord's tenants and
lessees who reside in units on the premises immediately above,
immediately below, and immediately adjacent to the infested unit. Such
written notice shall be provided to such tenants and lessees within
seventy-two hours of the landlord or lessor having knowledge of the bed
bug infestation.
2. Upon having knowledge of a bed bug infestation in a common area of
a residential rental premises, the landlord or lessor of the residential
rental premises shall place notice of such infestation in a conspicuous
location accessible to all tenants and lessees residing in the premises
within seventy-two hours of the landlord or lessor having knowledge of
the bed bug infestation.
3. Any notice required to be provided pursuant to subdivision one of
this section shall not identify the infested unit or contain any
personally identifying information of the tenant or tenants whose unit
experienced the bed bug infestation.
4. Subdivisions one and two of this section shall not apply to a
landlord or lessor that is subject to notice and remediation obligations
related to bed bug infestations pursuant to a judicial order, legal
settlement, or binding agreement with a federal, state, or local
regulatory entity while such judicial order, legal settlement, or
binding agreement is in effect.
knowledge of a bed bug infestation in a unit of a residential rental
premises, the landlord or lessor of a residential rental premises shall
provide written notice of such infestation to the landlord's tenants and
lessees who reside in units on the premises immediately above,
immediately below, and immediately adjacent to the infested unit. Such
written notice shall be provided to such tenants and lessees within
seventy-two hours of the landlord or lessor having knowledge of the bed
bug infestation.
2. Upon having knowledge of a bed bug infestation in a common area of
a residential rental premises, the landlord or lessor of the residential
rental premises shall place notice of such infestation in a conspicuous
location accessible to all tenants and lessees residing in the premises
within seventy-two hours of the landlord or lessor having knowledge of
the bed bug infestation.
3. Any notice required to be provided pursuant to subdivision one of
this section shall not identify the infested unit or contain any
personally identifying information of the tenant or tenants whose unit
experienced the bed bug infestation.
4. Subdivisions one and two of this section shall not apply to a
landlord or lessor that is subject to notice and remediation obligations
related to bed bug infestations pursuant to a judicial order, legal
settlement, or binding agreement with a federal, state, or local
regulatory entity while such judicial order, legal settlement, or
binding agreement is in effect.