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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Certain conveyances authorized; effect thereof
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 8
§ 240-b. Certain conveyances authorized; effect thereof. 1. Any person
or persons owning real property or an interest in real property which he
or they have power to convey, may effectively convey such property or
interest by a conveyance naming himself or themselves and another person
or persons, or one or more of themselves and another person or other
persons, as grantees, and the conveyance has the same effect as to
whether it creates an estate in severalty, a joint tenancy, or a tenancy
by the entirety, or tenancy in common, as if it were a conveyance from a
stranger who owned the property or interest to the persons named as
grantees in the conveyance.

2. Any two or more persons owning real property or an interest in real
property which they have power to convey, may effectively convey such
property or interest by a conveyance naming one, or more than one, or
all such persons, as grantees, and the conveyance has the same effect,
as to whether it creates an estate in severalty, or a joint tenancy, or
a tenancy by the entirety, or tenancy in common, as if it were a
conveyance from a stranger who owned the property or interest to the
persons named as grantees in the conveyance.

3. As used in this section, "person" may be a married person and
"persons" may be persons married to each other.