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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Right to a copy of real property appraisals and consumer reports in certain cases
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 8
§ 254-c. Right to a copy of real property appraisals and consumer
reports in certain cases. 1. Any lender who requires an applicant for a
loan or forbearance, which is to be secured primarily by an interest in
real property, to bear the cost of either an appraisal of said property
or the cost of obtaining a consumer report subject to the provisions of
article twenty-five of the general business law as a condition to the
processing of the application or the granting of the loan or
forbearance, shall, upon the written request of such applicant, provide
to him a copy of said appraisal or consumer report as the case may be,
at no additional cost.

2. "Lender" as used in this section shall mean and include any bank,
trust company, national bank, savings bank, federal mutual savings bank,
savings and loan association, federal savings and loan association,
private banker, credit union, federal credit union, investment company,
insurance company, pension fund, mortgage banker or any other entity.

3. If any provision of this section, or the application of such
provision to any individual, company, corporation or circumstance, shall
be held invalid, the remainder of this section, and the application of
such section to individuals, companies, corporations, or circumstances
other than those to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected