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Inactive hazardous waste disposal site registry index
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 9
§ 316-b. Inactive hazardous waste disposal site registry index. 1. On
and after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-three, each recording
officer must provide, at the expense of his county, proper books for
making an index of present owners of inactive hazardous waste disposal
sites contained in the registry required by section 27-1305 of the
environmental conservation law. The index shall contain an alphabetical
listing of all owners listed in such annual report completed by the
department of environmental conservation, together with a reference, for
each present owner, to the page and year of the report where information
regarding the inactive hazardous waste site may be located. The index
shall also contain the tax map parcel number or the section, block and
lot number of the site.

2. (a) No recording officer shall be liable for the failure to comply
with the provisions of this section prior to July first, nineteen
hundred ninety-three.

(b) Any entries, index or other listing contained in the books
required to be provided by this section prior to July first, nineteen
hundred ninety-three shall be null, void and of no effect, nor shall
such entries, index or listing be considered to provide actual or
constructive notice of inactive hazardous waste disposal sites for any

3. Each recording officer shall record and index such instruments as
may be required to be recorded pursuant to title thirteen or fourteen of
article twenty-seven of the environmental conservation law, or title
five of article fifty-six of the environmental conservation law, or
article twelve of the navigation law, or any regulation promulgated
pursuant thereto, or any order or agreement entered into under authority
thereof or of any such regulations.