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This entry was published on 2022-12-16
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Effect of recording demands or requirements of noncitizen property custodian
Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 9
§ 336. Effect of recording demands or requirements of noncitizen
property custodian. The recording in any county clerk's or register's
office of a demand or requirement against real property described
therein, made by or on behalf of the noncitizen property custodian under
and pursuant to the trading with the enemy act adopted by the United
States congress and approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and
seventeen, or any act amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, or any
executive order or proclamation issued in pursuance thereof, when duly
indexed against the name of the person or corporation whose property has
thereby been demanded or required, shall have the same force and effect
as the making of, delivery and recording of a deed of such real property
or interest therein by such person or corporation to said noncitizen
property custodian. All recitals contained in any such demand or
requirement, and in any deed made by such custodian heretofore or
hereafter recorded of all facts required or permitted by said acts,
proclamations or executive orders to be found or determined by said
noncitizen property custodian, and all recitals of conclusions or
determinations by said acts, proclamations or executive orders
authorized to be made by such individual, and all recitals of acts or
things done by said custodian or agents thereof in respect to the
seizure of said property shall be evidence of the facts, conclusions,
determinations, acts and things so recited in any court of this state in
any action or proceeding affecting the title to or ownership of such
real property. Three months after this section takes effect and the
recording of the instrument containing such recitals, the same shall
become conclusive evidence of all such facts, conclusions,
determinations, acts and things as are so recited therein in any action
in any court affecting the title to or ownership of said land, unless
said action shall have been commenced before the expiration of such
three months.