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Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12-D
* § 447-a. Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the
following terms shall have the following meanings:

1. "Covered jurisdiction" means every county, city, town, and village
in the state except for:

(a) a city with a population of one million or more;

(b) a county within a city with a population of one million or more;

(c) a county which enacts a local law pursuant to paragraph (b) of
subdivision one of section four hundred forty-seven-c of this article
stating that such county opts not to establish a registration system for
short-term rental units pursuant to such subdivision, provided that if
such county repeals such local law, such county shall become a covered
jurisdiction immediately upon the repeal of such local law;

(d) any city, town, or village located within a county which enacts a
local law pursuant to paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section four
hundred forty-seven-c of this article stating that such county opts not
to establish a registration system for short-term rental units pursuant
to such subdivision, provided that if such county repeals such local
law, such city, town, or village will become a covered jurisdiction
immediately upon the repeal of such local law unless after such county
enacted such local law and prior to such county repealing such local
law, such city, town, or village enacts a local law creating its own
registry for short-term rental units or non-covered short-term rental
units located within such city, town, or village;

(e) any county, city, town, or village that has a registration system
for non-covered short-term rental units or short-term rentals of
dwelling units or other living or sleeping spaces, with the coverage and
requirements of such registration system as established pursuant to
local law, where such registry exists as of the effective date of this
article; and

(f) a county, city, town, or village that has lawfully enacted or
lawfully enacts a local law prohibiting short-term rental units or
non-covered short-term rental units, or short-term rentals of dwelling
units or other living or sleeping spaces, within such county, city,
town, or village, regardless of whether such county, city, town, or
village is or is not a covered jurisdiction or located within a covered
jurisdiction prior to such enactment.

2. "Short-term rental unit" means an entire dwelling unit, or a room,
group of rooms, other living or sleeping space, or any other space
within a dwelling, made available for rent by guests for less than
thirty consecutive days, where the unit is offered for tourist or
transient use by the short-term rental host of the residential unit, and
where such unit is located in a covered jurisdiction.

3. "Non-covered short-term rental unit" means an entire dwelling unit,
or a room, group of rooms, other living or sleeping space, or any other
space within a dwelling, made available for rent by guests for less than
thirty consecutive days, where the unit is offered for tourist or
transient use by a person or entity in lawful possession of the unit,
and where such unit is in New York state but is not located in a covered
jurisdiction, provided that, however, in a city with a population of one
million or more, "non-covered short-term rental unit" shall also include
any building or portion of a building that is a short-term rental, as
such term is defined in section 26-3101 of chapter thirty-one of title
twenty-six of the administrative code of the city of New York.

4. "Short-term rental host" means a person or entity in lawful
possession of a short-term rental unit who rents such unit to guests in
accordance with this article.

5. "Booking service" means a person or entity who, directly or

(a) provides one or more online, computer or application-based
platforms that individually or collectively can be used to:

(i) list or advertise offers for short-term rentals of short-term
rental units, and

(ii) either accept such offers, or reserve or pay for such rentals;

(b) charges, collects or receives a fee for the use of such a platform
or for provision of any service in connection with a short-term rental
of a short-term rental unit.

* NB Effective September 22, 2025