Real Property (RPP) CHAPTER 50, ARTICLE 12-D
* § 447-a. Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the
following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "Short-term residential rental unit" means an entire dwelling unit,
or a room, group of rooms, other living or sleeping space, or any other
space within a dwelling, made available for rent by guests for less than
thirty consecutive days, where the unit is offered for tourist or
transient use by the short-term rental host of the residential unit.
2. "Short-term rental host" means a person or entity in lawful
possession of a short-term rental unit who rents such unit to guests in
accordance with this article.
3. "Booking service" means a person or entity who, directly or
(a) provides one or more online, computer or application-based
platforms that individually or collectively can be used to:
(i) list or advertise offers for short-term rentals, and
(ii) either accept such offers, or reserve or pay for such rentals;
(b) charges, collects or receives a fee for the use of such a platform
or for provision of any service in connection with a short-term rental.
A booking service shall not be construed to include a platform that
solely lists or advertises offers for short-term rentals.
* NB Effective April 20, 2025
following terms shall have the following meanings:
1. "Short-term residential rental unit" means an entire dwelling unit,
or a room, group of rooms, other living or sleeping space, or any other
space within a dwelling, made available for rent by guests for less than
thirty consecutive days, where the unit is offered for tourist or
transient use by the short-term rental host of the residential unit.
2. "Short-term rental host" means a person or entity in lawful
possession of a short-term rental unit who rents such unit to guests in
accordance with this article.
3. "Booking service" means a person or entity who, directly or
(a) provides one or more online, computer or application-based
platforms that individually or collectively can be used to:
(i) list or advertise offers for short-term rentals, and
(ii) either accept such offers, or reserve or pay for such rentals;
(b) charges, collects or receives a fee for the use of such a platform
or for provision of any service in connection with a short-term rental.
A booking service shall not be construed to include a platform that
solely lists or advertises offers for short-term rentals.
* NB Effective April 20, 2025