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This entry was published on 2024-04-26
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Repayment plans
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 3-A
§ 1146. Repayment plans. 1. The governing body of a tax district is
hereby authorized and empowered to enact and amend a local law providing
that in the case of primary residences with a tax delinquency greater
than five hundred dollars but less than thirty thousand dollars or such
other limit as may be provided by such local law, the property owner
shall be permitted to enter into a repayment plan to cure a tax
delinquency at any time until the date of redemption.

2. The term of the repayment plan shall be twelve, eighteen,
twenty-four, or thirty-six months, at the option of the owner. The
amount due under the agreement shall be paid, as nearly as possible, in
equal amounts on each payment due date. The amount of each such payment
shall be determined by dividing the amount due by the number of required
installment payments.

3. The owner shall be deemed to be in default of a payment plan
agreement pursuant to this section upon the occurrence of any of the
following events:

(a) Any payment due under the repayment plan is not made within
forty-five days from the payment due date;

(b) Any tax levied after the owner entered into the repayment plan is
not paid by the payment due date;

(c) The subject property is sold; or

(d) The total principal amount in arrears exceeds thirty thousand
dollars or such higher amount as may have been set by local law,
ordinance or resolution.

4. In the event of a default in payments, and after service of a
twenty-day notice of default, the tax district shall have the right to
require the entire unpaid balance, with interest, to be paid in full.