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This entry was published on 2024-04-26
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Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 11, TITLE 6
§ 1195. Definitions. In addition to the definitions set forth in
section eleven hundred two of this article, for purposes of this title:

1. "Former homeowner" means a person or persons who lost title to
and/or ownership of residential property due to a tax foreclosure.

2. "Public sale" means a sale resulting from a public auction
conducted in accordance with the provisions of section two hundred
thirty-one of the real property actions and proceedings law.

3. "Surplus" means the net gain, if any, realized by the tax district
upon the sale of tax-foreclosed property, as determined in the manner
set forth in section eleven hundred ninety-six of this title. Where no
such gain was realized, no surplus shall be attributable to that sale.

4. "Tax-foreclosed property" means a parcel as to which a judgment of
foreclosure has been issued pursuant to section eleven hundred
thirty-six of this article.