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This entry was published on 2015-11-27
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Penalties and interest payments in towns of Dutchess county
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 15
§ 1504. Penalties and interest payments in towns of Dutchess county.
1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the
contrary, the following scale of penalties and interest is hereby
prescribed for the neglect to pay county or town taxes, special ad
valorem levies or special assessments in towns in Dutchess county: if
paid on or before the last day of February after the notice required by
section nine hundred twenty of this chapter, there shall be no penalty
or interest; if paid thereafter and on or before the last day of March,
two per centum; if paid thereafter and on or before the last day of
April, three per centum; if paid thereafter and on or before the last
day of May, four per centum; if paid thereafter five per centum and if
paid to the county treasurer at the rate of interest as determined
pursuant to section nine hundred twenty-four-a of this chapter from June
first to the date of tax sale with expenses of publication now allowed
by law, and the form of notice prescribed by section nine hundred twenty
of this chapter shall be made to conform to the provisions of this
section by the collecting officers in Dutchess county.

2. If the final date for collection of taxes, or for the collection of
taxes without penalty, or for the collection of taxes at a lesser
prescribed penalty interest rate shall fall on a Saturday, Sunday or
public holiday, an extension for the collection of taxes shall
automatically be in effect until the first business day following such
date and the date for paying over taxes shall be extended to the
following day.