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This entry was published on 2016-12-02
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Taxation or exemption of watershed agricultural easements
Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 4-A
§ 585. Taxation or exemption of watershed agricultural easements. 1.
Any watershed agricultural easement acquired before January first, two
thousand eleven shall be exempt from taxation on any assessment roll on
which the land subject to the easement qualifies for and receives an
agricultural assessment pursuant to article twenty-five-AA of the
agriculture and markets law.

2. Any watershed agricultural easement that burdens land which does
not receive an agricultural assessment pursuant to article
twenty-five-AA of the agriculture and markets law or which is acquired
on or after January first, two thousand seventeen shall be subject to
taxation for all purposes. The taxes levied on such easement shall be
levied as provided in this title.