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This entry was published on 2022-04-29
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Real Property Tax (RPT) CHAPTER 50-A

Title 1. Public property.

2. Private property.

2-A. Railroad Real Property of Intrastate Railroad Companies.

2-B. Railroad Real Property of Interstate Railroad Companies.

2-C. Tax Exemption for Certain Industrial and Commercial

Properties in a City of One Million or More Persons.

2-D. Tax exemption and deferral of tax payments for certain

industrial and commercial properties in a city of one

million or more persons.

2-E. Tax exemption for certain construction work on mixed-use

property in cities having a population of one million or


2-F. Abatement of tax payments for certain industrial and

commercial properties in a city of one million or more


3. Miscellaneous provisions.

4. Tax abatement for certain commercial properties in a city of

one million or more persons.

4-A. Tax abatement for certain commercial properties in a city of

one million or more persons.

4-B. Green roof tax abatement for certain properties in a city of

one million or more persons.

4-C. Solar electric generating system tax abatement for certain

properties in a city of one million or more persons.

5. Assessment ceilings for local public utility mass real


6. Childcare center tax abatement for certain properties in a

city having a population of one million or more.