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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Penalty for violation
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 106. Penalty for violation. Every corporation violating any of the
provisions of the preceding four sections shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and may be indicted therefor, and may be compelled to appear
and plead to an indictment therefor in the person of its president,
secretary, treasurer or any director thereof, and a bench warrant may
issue out of any competent court to compel such attendance and pleading,
and, upon conviction thereof, such corporations shall be punished by a
fine of one thousand dollars, and an additional fine of five hundred
dollars a day for each and every day or part of a day after thirty days
from the due service of said notice or order that said corporation shall
refuse or neglect to obey and carry out the requirements and provisions
of the same, and duly sentenced to pay the same.