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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Approval of appliances in cities having a population of one million inhabitants or over
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 108. Approval of appliances in cities having a population of one
million inhabitants or over. In cities in this state having a population
of one million inhabitants or over, where tunnels are or may hereafter
be operated or controlled by any railroad corporation, such portions of
any mechanical or other devices or appliances as may be required under
the provisions of the preceding six sections to be constructed on or
above the surface of any streets, avenues or other places under which
such tunnels may be built, shall be subject as to form, material and
construction, to the approval of the local authorities of such cities,
except that in the city of New York such approval shall be by a majority
vote of the mayor, the comptroller, the commissioner of parks and
recreation of said city and the president of the borough of said city in
which such mechanical or other device or appliance is to be constructed.