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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Rate of fare
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 5
§ 181. Rate of fare. No corporation constructing and operating a
railroad under the provisions of this article, or of chapter two hundred
and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-four, shall
charge any passenger more than five cents for one continuous ride from
any point on its road, or on any road, line or branch operated by it, or
under its control, to any other point thereof, or any connecting branch
thereof, within the limits of any incorporated city or village. Not more
than one fare shall be charged within the limits of any such city or
village, for passage over the main line of road and any branch or
extention thereof if the right to construct such branch or extension
shall have been acquired under the provisions of such chapter or of this
article; except that in any city having a population of less than fifty
thousand, or in any incorporated village, it shall be lawful for such
corporation to charge and collect as a maximum rate of fare for each
passenger, ten cents, where such passenger is carried in a car which
overcomes an elevation of at least four hundred and fifty feet within a
distance of one and a half miles. This section shall not apply to any
part of any road constructed prior to May sixth, eighteen hundred and
eighty-four, and then in operation, unless the corporation owning the
same shall have acquired the right to extend such road, or to construct
branches thereof under such chapter, or shall acquire such right under
the provisions of this article, in which event its rate of fare shall
not exceed its authorized rate prior to such extension. The legislature
expressly reserves the right to regulate and reduce the rate of fare on
any railroad constructed and operated wholly or in part under such
chapter or under the provisions of this article; and the commissioner of
transportation shall possess the same power, to be exercised as
prescribed in the transportation law.