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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Pay of commissioners
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 6
§ 234. Pay of commissioners. Each of the commissioners shall be paid
for his services at the rate of ten dollars per day for each day of
actual service as such commissioner, and all expenses necessarily
incurred by him in the discharge of his duties, to be paid by such
corporation, but if a sufficient amount of capital stock shall not be
subscribed within one year after the appointment of such commissioners
to authorize the formation of such corporation, the commissioners shall
receive no salary, and shall cause to be returned to the subscribers for
such stock the amounts paid in by them, after deducting therefrom the
necessary expenses incurred by the commissioners, but the time, if any,
unavoidably consumed by the pendency of legal proceedings shall not be
deemed a part of any period of time limited by this article.