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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Persons employed as drivers, conductors, motormen or gripmen
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 63. Persons employed as drivers, conductors, motormen or gripmen.
Any railroad corporation may employ any inhabitant of the state, of the
age of twenty-one years, not addicted to the use of intoxicating
liquors, as a car driver, conductor, motorman or gripman, or in any
other capacity, if fit and competent therefor. All applicants for
positions as motormen or gripmen on any street surface railroad in this
state shall be subjected to a thorough examination by the officers of
the corporation as to their habits, physical ability and intelligence.
If this examination is satisfactory, the applicant shall be placed in
the shop or power house where he can be made familiar with the power and
machinery he is about to control. He shall then be placed on a car with
an instructor, and when the latter is satisfied as to the applicant's
capability for the position of motorman or gripman, he shall so certify
to the officers of the company, and, if appointed, the applicant shall
first serve on the lines of least travel. Any violation of the
provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor.