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This entry was published on 2022-06-17
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Minimum standards for track inspection and maintenance
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 69. Minimum standards for track inspection and maintenance. In the
case of all tracks over which there are regularly scheduled passenger
movements, and all tracks currently being used for the movement of
freight trains where the maximum authorized speed is in excess of
thirty-five miles per hour, the following regulations requiring track
inspection shall apply to all common carriers by a class one railroad
operating within the state of New York:

1. Track inspection shall be made by a track foreman or equally
qualified employee of the railroad company involved, provided such
employee shall not be required to inspect more than one hundred miles of
track per day.

2. Each railroad shall assign a supervisory employee above the rank of
track foreman to be in charge of the inspection required by these
regulations of all track within the area of his responsibility, which
area shall be clearly designated.

3. Tracks subject to this section shall be inspected not less than
twice each week.

4. All switches shall be inspected on foot at least once each month.

5. If track cars or other vehicles, including off-track vehicles, are
used for twice-weekly inspections, they shall be operated at such speed
as will insure adequate inspection but not in excess of five miles per
hour at all railroad crossings, highway crossings and switches.

6. Inspection of track shall include particular attention to the
detection of unsafe conditions resulting from bad alignment, improper
cross level, faulty gauge, loose ties, broken or missing bolts, and
broken rails and angle bars.

7. In all inspections of highway crossings, particular attention shall
be given to the detection of unsafe conditions resulting from loose
planking or obstructed flangeways.

8. In the monthly on-foot inspection of switches, particular attention
shall be given to the detection of unsafe conditions resulting from open
or defective switch points, loose or missing bolts in heel fillers on
blocking, defective guard rails or frogs. Switches not in "Automatic
Signal" or "Centralized Traffic Control" territory shall be operated at
least once each month to insure that they are in proper working order.

9. Where twice-weekly inspections are required, such inspections shall
not be made on consecutive days.

10. Except in case of emergency, when passenger trains are to be
operated over tracks not subject to this regulation, such tracks shall
be inspected within forty-eight hours prior to the operation of such

11. When the track inspection reveals improper alignment, improper
cross level, faulty gauge, loose ties, defective switch points, or any
condition which, in the judgment of the individual inspecting the track,
creates an unsafe track condition, he shall take immediate appropriate
action for the safety of operations and report, in writing, to his
superior officer the condition observed and the action taken.