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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Proceedings to enforce orders of commissioner of transportation
Railroad (RRD) CHAPTER 49, ARTICLE 3
§ 96. Proceedings to enforce orders of commissioner of transportation.
It shall be the duty of the corporation, municipality or person or
persons to whom the decisions or orders of the commissioner of
transportation are directed, as provided in sections eighty-nine,
ninety, ninety-one and ninety-five, to comply with such decisions and
orders, and in case of their failure so to do the commissioner of
transportation shall thereupon commence an action or special proceeding
to compel obedience to the decisions and orders of the commissioner of
transportation. The supreme court at a special term shall have the power
in all cases of such decisions and orders by the commissioner of
transportation to compel compliance therewith, or under the
transportation law, subject to appeal to the appellate division of the
supreme court and the court of appeals in the same manner and with like
effect as is provided in case of appeals from a judgment of the supreme