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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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The retirement system continued; a corporation
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 2
§ 10. The retirement system continued; a corporation. The retirement
system, as established by chapter seven hundred forty-one of the laws of
nineteen hundred twenty, as amended, is hereby continued. Such system
shall continue to have the powers and privileges of a corporation and
shall be known as the "New York State and local Employees' Retirement
System." All of the business of the retirement system shall be
transacted, all of its funds invested and payments made, and all of its
cash, securities and other properties shall be held in such name, except
as provided in article nine of this chapter.

Reference in this chapter or in any other law to the New York state
employees' retirement system shall be deemed to mean and refer to the
New York state and local employees' retirement system.