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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Teachers employed in institutions for the deaf, mute and blind
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 12
§ 115. Teachers employed in institutions for the deaf, mute and blind.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections six and seven of chapter five
hundred and sixty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred twenty-one, the
provisions of chapter four hundred and forty-one of the laws of nineteen
hundred ten and of chapter six hundred and fourteen of the laws of
nineteen hundred fifteen, so far as the same shall relate to the
retirement of teachers employed in institutions for the deaf and mute
and the blind, receiving state pupils whose instruction and support are
paid for by the state, the procedure for the retirement of such
teachers, the amount of allowances to be paid to them on retirement and
the time and manner of payment of such allowances, shall continue in
full force and effect until such teachers are transferred to some other
retirement system and provision is made for their retirement and the
payment of allowances to them.