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This entry was published on 2019-01-11
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Continuation of certain tables and rates
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 1
§ 296. Continuation of certain tables and rates. All tables,
schedules, rates (including but not limited to regular and special
deficiency rates), regular and special deficiency periods, and other
actuarial tables, rates and procedures in effect and used by the
employees' retirement system for or in connection with any of its
activities or operations with respect to the membership of police
officers and firefighters and persons who are members of such system
pursuant to sections eighty-one through eighty-eight, inclusive, shall
continue to be used in the same manner by the retirement system
established by this article, and shall remain in effect unless and until
duly modified or rescinded by the provisions of this article.