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This entry was published on 2019-01-11
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Statement of services
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 8, TITLE 3
§ 312. Statement of services. a. It shall be the duty of the head of
each department or agency of the state government employing police
officers and/or firefighters, and of the chief fiscal officer of each
participating employer, at the request of the comptroller, to submit to
him or her a statement showing the name, title, compensation, duties,
date of birth and length of service of each police officer and/or
firefighter: (exclusive of members of a local system), and such other
information as the comptroller may require. If any such police officer
or firefighter be principally engaged upon duties differing from those
specified by the appropriate civil service commission for the title held
by him or her, such head of department or agency, or chief fiscal
officer, shall certify the reasons therefor and the probable duration of
the duties being so performed by such police officer or firefighter.

b. Each police officer and firefighter shall be subject to all the
provisions of this article and to all the rules and regulations adopted
by the comptroller.