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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Transfer of membership
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 15
§ 616. Transfer of membership. Any employee of the board of education
of the city of New York who is a member of the New York city employees'
retirement system may elect to transfer membership to the New York city
board of education retirement system. Any election pursuant to this
section shall be made no later than the one hundred eightieth day next
succeeding the date on which the provisions hereof become effective, by
filing a written notice thereof with the administrative head of the New
York city employees' retirement system and the New York city board of
education retirement system and, once made and filed, such election
shall be irrevocable. Where an employee of the board of education
becomes a member of the New York city board of education retirement
system pursuant to this section the New York city employees' retirement
system shall make a transfer of reserves, contributions, and credits to
the New York city board of education retirement system in the manner
required by section forty-three of this chapter.