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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 16
§ 652. Definitions. a. The term "normal retirement age" shall mean
age fifty-five for a member of Tier one, and age sixty-two for a member
of Tier two, three or four.

b. The term "covered employment" shall mean paid service as a bridge
and tunnel officer, sergeant, lieutenant, assistant bridge and tunnel
maintainer, bridge and tunnel maintainer, senior bridge and tunnel
maintainer or laborer with the Triborough bridge and tunnel authority by
a member described in section six hundred fifty of this article.

c. The term "Tier one member" shall mean a member whose benefits are
prescribed by chapter one of title thirteen of the administrative code
of the city of New York and who is not subject to the provisions of
article eleven, fourteen or fifteen of this chapter.

d. The term "Tier two member" shall mean a member whose benefits are
prescribed by chapter one of title thirteen of the administrative code
of the city of New York and who is subject to the provisions of article
eleven of this chapter.

e. The term "Tier three member" shall mean a member who is subject to
the provisions of article fourteen of this chapter.

f. The term "Tier four member" shall mean a member who is subject to
the provisions of article fifteen of this chapter.