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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Non-contributory retirement plan for state employees
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 8
§ 75-a. Non-contributory retirement plan for state employees. a.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no further
contributions to the retirement system, as provided in subdivision b of
section twenty-one of this chapter, shall be required of any member in
the employ of the state; provided, however, in the case of persons in
the employ of the state who last became members on or after July first,
nineteen hundred seventy-three, such required contributions shall be
waived only until the payroll period immediately prior to that the first
day of which is nearest to July first, nineteen hundred seventy-four.

b. Contributions shall be made to the pension accumulation fund by or
on account of the state, as provided in sections sixteen, seventeen and
forty-two of this chapter, at a rate fixed by the actuary which shall be
computed to be sufficient to provide the benefits established by section
seventy-five-c of this chapter on account of members in the employ of
the state.

c. Nothing contained in this section shall impair the right of
persons, who became members before August nineteenth, nineteen hundred
sixty-six, to make contributions pursuant to subdivision i of section
twenty-one of this chapter.

d. Any member who has elected to contribute at a certain rate of
contribution in accordance with the provisions of subdivision j of
section twenty-one of this chapter, shall continue to contribute at such
rate until his election under said subdivision is withdrawn.

e. Any member in service on August nineteenth, nineteen hundred
sixty-six, may by written notice duly acknowledged and filed with the
comptroller on or before August eighteenth, nineteen hundred
sixty-seven, elect to contribute to the retirement system. Where a
member makes an election to contribute, as herein provided for, he shall
contribute to the retirement system as otherwise provided in this
chapter. One year or more after the filing of the notice of election to
contribute, the member may withdraw such election and elect not to