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This entry was published on 2023-05-12
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Coordinated-escalator Retirement Plan
Retirement & Social Security (RSS) CHAPTER 51-A

Section 500. Application.

501. Definitions.

502. Eligibility for service retirement benefits; minimum

service requirements.

503. Eligibility for normal and early service retirement

benefits; age and service requirements.

504. Service retirement benefits; general members.

504-a. Twenty-year retirement program for New York city

correction members below the rank of captain.

504-b. Twenty-year retirement program for New York city

correction members of the rank of captain or above.

504-c. Supplemental retirement allowance.

504-d. Twenty-year retirement program for New York city

correction members.

505. Service retirement benefits; police/fire members, New

York city uniformed correction/sanitation revised

plan members and investigator revised plan members.

506. Ordinary disability benefits.

507. Accidental disability benefits.

507-a. Disability retirement.

507-b. Performance of duty disability retirement.

507-c. Performance of duty disability retirement; New York

city department of correction.

507-d. Disability benefits.

507-e. Uniformed court officers and peace officers; certain


507-f. Accidental disability retirement; Westchester county

district attorney investigators.

507-g. Payment of both pensions for accident and other

benefits prohibited; Westchester county district

attorney investigators.

507-h. Retirement for disability incurred in performance of

duty; Westchester county district attorney


507-i. Disability benefits; Westchester county district

attorney investigators.

508. Death benefits.

508-a. Death benefit for vested members who die prior to


508-b. Death benefit for deputy sheriffs employed by Nassau


508-b*2. Death benefits for correction officers employed by

Nassau county.

508-b*3. Death benefits for correction officers employed by

Suffolk county.

508-b*4. Death benefits for deputy sheriffs employed by Suffolk


508-c. Death benefits for fire marshals employed by Nassau


509. Accidental death benefits.

509-a. COVID-19 benefit.

510. Escalation of benefits.

511. Coordination with social security benefits.

512. Final average salary.

513. Credit for service.

514. Options.

515. Optional retirement program.

516. Vesting.

517. Member contributions.

517-a. Termination of membership.

517-b. Loans to members of a teachers' retirement system.

517-c. Loans to members of certain retirement systems.

518. Election of coverage under article.

519. Effect of other laws.

520. Duration.