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Small business liaison
State Administrative Procedure Act (SAP) CHAPTER 82, ARTICLE 1
§ 102-b. Small business liaison. The departments of agriculture and
markets, environmental conservation, labor, transportation, and taxation
and finance shall designate an existing employee to serve as the liaison
to small businesses regulated by such agency. The direct contact
information of the small business liaison shall be prominently posted
and easily accessible on the agency website. The small business liaison

(a) serve as an initial primary contact for small businesses to
contact with any inquiries;

(b) be equipped to provide small businesses with basic information on
the agency and its regulations;

(c) help small businesses navigate the agency bureaucracy to identify
and contact the appropriate staff person within the agency, either at
the state or regional level, for more specific information pertaining to
the small business;

(d) hear the concerns of small businesses, report those concerns to
appropriate agency staff and offer possible solutions to such concerns;

(e) advocate within the agency on behalf of small businesses, and make
recommendations to the agency head on matters affecting small

(f) initiate and encourage small business education and outreach
programs on behalf of the agency, as appropriate;

(g) collaborate with the appropriate agency staff on any small
business regulation guide pursuant to section one hundred two-a and any
small business regulatory flexibility analysis pursuant to section two
hundred two-b of this chapter; and

(h) coordinate his or her activities with the division for small
business within the department of economic development, and the small
business development center.