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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers and duties of members of police department
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 9
§ 142. Powers and duties of members of police department. The members
of the police department, other than surgeons, in criminal matters have
all the powers of police officers under the general laws of the state,
and they shall also have the power and it shall be their duty to arrest
any person found by them violating any of the penal ordinances of the
city or laws of the state, and to take such person before the proper
city magistrate. Such person shall be dealt with in the same manner as
if he had been arrested upon a warrant theretofore duly issued by such
magistrate. They shall report violations of law and ordinances coming to
their knowledge in any way under regulations to be prescribed by the
commissioner of public safety. They shall also have, in every other part
of the state, in criminal matters all the powers of constables and any
warrant for search or arrest issued by any magistrate of the state may
be executed by them in any part of the state according to the tenor
thereof without indorsement. They shall possess such other powers and
perform such other duties as may be provided by law or ordinance of the
common council.