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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Compromise of claims
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 13
§ 205. Compromise of claims. The corporation counsel shall, whenever
he considers that the interests of the city will be subserved thereby,
enter into an agreement in writing, subject to the approval of the board
of estimate and apportionment, to compromise and settle any claim
against the city, which agreement shall constitute a valid obligation
against the city; and the amount therein provided to be paid shall, with
interest thereon from its date, be included in the next city tax budget
and be collected and paid the same in all respects as a judgment against
the city. If, however, before the adoption of the city tax budget there
shall be received by the city treasurer from any source any moneys not
otherwise appropriated, the amount in the agreement provided to be paid
out of such moneys so received, so far as they will satisfy the same.