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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Definition of words
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 16
§ 245. Definition of words. The word "his," as used in this chapter
shall, in all proper cases, be held to include and be co-extensive with
the words "her," "it" and "their;" the word "person," shall be held to
include and be co-extensive with the words "persons," "company,"
"joint-stock association" and "corporation." The word "street" shall be
held to include and be co-extensive with "roads," "avenues," "highways,"
"alleys" and "squares;" the word "work" shall be held to include and be
co-extensive with "improvements" and "repairs;" the word "materials"
shall be held to include and be co-extensive with "supplies,"
"stationery," "books," "furniture" and "repairs to furniture;" the word
"tax" shall in all proper cases be held to include and be co-extensive
with "water rents or rates," "assessments or reassessments for local
improvements," and the singular noun shall be held to include and be
co-extensive with the plural.