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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Members; president; organization of council
Second Class Cities (SCC) CHAPTER 53, ARTICLE 4
§ 31. Members; president; organization of council. The aldermen of the
city shall constitute the common council thereof. The members of the
common council shall meet in the room provided for the purpose on the
second day of January after their election, or if that be Sunday, then
on the next day, and organize. The president shall preside at all
meetings and discharge such other duties as may be defined by ordinance
of the common council and otherwise by law. The common council may at
any regular meeting, elect one of its members president pro tempore to
act during the temporary absence or disability of the president and who
shall be the president of the common council in case of a permanent
vacancy in that office. Until such permanent vacancy shall be filled,
the mayor shall preside over the meetings of the common council. Until
such a vacancy is filled the common council shall transact no business
except to adjourn from time to time. The president may vote like other
members of the common council upon all resolutions and ordinances
submitted to the body for its action in case of a tie vote, and when a
member of the common council is elected president, he shall be entitled
to vote as a member of the common council. The president of the common
council shall have the power of commissioner of deeds.