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This entry was published on 2023-09-22
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Compensation 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 11
§ 1105. Compensation

1. The public administrators of the counties comprising the city of
New York shall receive at least two-thirds of the amount paid to the
judges of the surrogate's court of the counties within the city of New

2. Each of the deputy public administrators of the counties comprising
the city of New York shall receive as compensation at least two-thirds
of the amount paid or hereafter paid to the public administrators of
each such county, respectively.

3. The public administrators shall not receive to their own use any
fees or emoluments in addition to their salaries except as provided in
section 1106, subdivision 3.

The above annual salaries shall be included annually in the expense
budget of the city of New York.