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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Monthly reports to court, mayor and comptroller; annual audit Each public administrator shall file monthly with the surrogate of the coun...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 11
§ 1109. Monthly reports to court, mayor and comptroller; annual audit

Each public administrator shall file monthly with the surrogate of the
county where appointed, mayor and the comptroller of the city of New
York a statement of such of his accounts as have been closed or finally
settled in such form as the comptroller may prescribe.

Each public administrator shall file every six months with the
surrogate of the county where appointed a report of every estate
administered by the public administrator which has not been fully
distributed within two years from the date when the first permanent
letters of administration or letters testamentary were issued. Such
report shall include the name of the decedent, file number, date of
issuance of first permanent letters, approximate amount of gross estate,
approximate amount that has been distributed to beneficiaries,
approximate amount remaining in fiduciary's hands, reason that estate
has not yet been fully distributed, date of report, address and phone of
public administrator, and address and phone of attorney for the public
administrator. Copies of such reports shall be provided, upon request to
the attorney general and the state comptroller.

Each public administrator shall conduct annually an audit of his
office by an independent certified public accountant and such a report
based on such audit shall be filed with the surrogate of the county
where appointed, the mayor and the comptroller of the city of New York,
the attorney general of the state of New York and the comptroller of the
state of New York. Within six months of receipt of the audit, the
attorney general and the state comptroller shall report to the
appropriate surrogate and public administrator their comments concerning
the audit and any suggested recommendations they may have concerning the
performance and operation of the public administrator's office. The
audit shall be conducted in compliance with generally accepted
government audit standards, and shall include a review of the
performance of the office with respect to the guidelines and uniform fee
schedules established by the administrative board. The costs of such
audit and report shall be included annually in the budget of the city of
New York.