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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Reports of deaths and burials 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 12
§ 1209. Reports of deaths and burials

1. Every person keeping a hotel, boarding or rooming house in any of
the counties to which this article applies shall report to the public
administrator of his county information concerning every person not a
member of his family who shall die in his hotel, boarding or rooming
house, within 12 hours after such death.

2. The chief medical examiner or such similar public officer of each
county to which this article applies within 12 hours after an inquest
shall report in writing to the public administrator of his county,
information, if known, regarding the decedent.

3. Every undertaker shall file a report in writing with the public
administrator of his county upon the form provided by him, within 12
hours after receiving an order for the burial by him of any decedent
having no known distributees or having been survived only by cousins or
relatives by marriage, such information regarding the decedent which he
may have.