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This entry was published on 2022-12-16
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Supplementary letters, executors not named in letters not to act If the disability of an infant or a noncitizen named as an executor in a...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 14
§ 1415. Supplementary letters, executors not named in letters not to act

If the disability of an infant or a noncitizen named as an executor in
a will be removed before the administration of the estate is completed
he shall be entitled on petition showing the facts to supplementary
letters testamentary to be issued in the same manner as the original
letters to join in the completion of the administration of the estate
with the person or persons previously appointed. A person named in a
will as executor shall be deemed to be superseded by the issue to
another person of letters testamentary and shall have no power or
authority as executor until he or she appears and qualifies and letters
testamentary are issued to him or her.