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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Ancillary administration of estate of absentee If it appears that the foreign probate or the grant of foreign administration was based up...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 16
§ 1611. Ancillary administration of estate of absentee

If it appears that the foreign probate or the grant of foreign
administration was based upon the disappearance or absence of the person
on whose property ancillary letters are sought under circumstances as to
afford reasonable ground to believe that he is dead process shall issue
to the disappeared or absent person and shall be served upon him by
publication. It shall also be served upon the public administrator of
the county or if there be none, upon the county treasurer. If it
appears to the satisfaction of the court from the foreign probate or
grant of administration or from such other proof as it may require, that
such person be dead, it may make a decree determining that fact and
granting ancillary administration as prescribed in this article.