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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Annual examination of guardian's accounts In the month of February of each year and thereafter until completed or at such other time as t...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 17
§ 1721. Annual examination of guardian's accounts

In the month of February of each year and thereafter until completed
or at such other time as the court deems proper, the court must for the
purposes specified in the succeeding section, examine or cause to be
examined under its direction all accounts filed within the preceding
year. The examination may be made by the clerk of the court or by a
special examiner appointed by the court, who must before he enters upon
the examination subscribe and take before the court and file with the
clerk an oath faithfully to execute his duties and to make a true report
to the court.