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Records to be kept by court; general requirements 1
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 25
§ 2501. Records to be kept by court; general requirements

1. The clerk of the court shall keep a record of and be responsible
for the proper indexing, filing or recording, as the case may be,
collating, arranging, restoring and preserving of all records,
documents, books, maps, instruments and other matter specified in this
article or by other requirement of law heretofore or hereafter
deposited, filed or recorded, of all matters specified by this article
or by other requirement of law.

2. He shall upon payment of the fees required by law exemplify or
certify all records and papers filed or recorded and shall search and
certify as to records or papers in custody of the court or that they
cannot be found.

3. Records shall be kept by means of record books, cards, files or any
other system, process, form or combination thereof, as may be prescribed
by CPLR 9703 or directed by the court together with such appropriate
index or reference system, and such topic, item or other subdivision or
arrangement as deemed appropriate or convenient. When the clerk is
directed to keep a record book it may be kept by one or more of the
methods prescribed as may be currently utilized by the court for the

4. The expense of keeping the records required by law to be kept shall
be a charge upon the county, state or other governmental unit or agency
providing funds for administration of the court as may be provided by

5. When filing is required the paper filed shall be entered in the
proper minute book, and date of filing with fee, if any, noted on the

6. When recording of a paper is required an accurate copy thereof
shall be made of the complete content of the paper by entry at length in
a record book in plain and legible handwriting or by printing or
typewriting or photographic or microphotographic or other process or any
combination thereof or by making a record in any other form or process
which provides or will produce an accurate copy of the paper.

7. Records and papers which are sealed and withheld from public
inspection as required by law or directed by the court shall thereafter
be opened only to the extent as may be authorized by the court.

8. All books and records other than those sealed are open to
inspection of any person at reasonable times.

9. Records and papers relating to a proceeding and entered in the
minute book shall be preserved as permanent records of the court, except
as disposition is authorized by section 89 of the judiciary law.